Beth Fechner is a podiatrist at The Foot Alignment Clinic, Marrickville and Leichhardt clinics in Sydney.
Originally from Melbourne, Podiatrist Beth Fechner completed her studies at La Trobe University in 2008. She studied Podiatry to help people with pain and keep them active. Beth has worked in Hobart and Sydney, mostly in private practice. She spent 2 years at the Royal Hobart Hospital working with “high risk feet” – people at risk of ulcers or amputation. Beth has experience working with people of all activity levels, from pre-schoolers to 90+ year olds.
If you need a Podiatrist in Sydney, and you have sore feet from winter sports or you are warming up for the running season, you may encounter some common foot problems that can be addressed in a general podiatry treatment:
-sore toenails – either from being ingrown or thickened nails from damage/fungal infection
-blisters- treatment and future management options
-callous – hard skin, which can feel like it burns with repetitive movements such as running or walking
-corns – deeper, more concentrated areas of callous that hurt and feel like you are walking on a pebble
-peeling skin or rashes
Make an appointment with Beth to get your feet fixed. It just makes sense, rather than walking in pain for long periods of time, let her help you.
Beth is my go to podiatrist is Sydney